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What We Do



A workshop that works for you. 

Career Quest, is a 12-hour workshop, focused on work readiness skills - conflict resolution, communication, workplace etiquette, job search techniques, & interview/resume preparation.  Participants work through a number of assessments to identify their personality, interest and communication styles.  Participants report a better understanding of what types of things they want from a job and increase their job search skills.

Career planning doesn’t have to be intimidating. Learn how to market your strengths and interests to employers and find a job that excites you! 

  • Market your strengths and interests to employers
  • Find a job that motivates and excites you
  • Identify what’s standing in your way 
  • How to talk about the “tough stuff” with employers
  • Resume tips to get you the interview
  • Nail the interview to get the job offer

Past Career Quest participants have said:

  • “I am more confident of my ability to influence the hiring audience.”
  • “I know how to answer difficult questions.”
  • “This workshop has helped me understand my career goals and interests have changed over time.”
  • “Career Quest helped me face new challenges and gave me a foundation to face them.”


Want to know yourself?

Mind Over Matters, a 12-hour workshop, provides you with the opportunity to take a look inward and understand how internal beliefs influence external behavior. This course includes detailed assessments, informative readings, and thoughtful class-discussions to help you get to know yourself. Become an empowered career-seeker that knows what they have to offer!  Participants report feeling more positive about themselves and their career outlook.

In this course you will:

  • Build and sustain motivation
  • Improve your self-advocacy skills
  • Study how the brain adapts to help us survive
  • Engage in positive self-talk and confidence boosting activities
  • Practice goal setting strategies and learn tips to reach your achievements
  • Take assessments to identify how you learn, communicate, and what you value
  • Challenge old behaviors and thought patterns